Thursday 13 May 2010


Today was just an ordinary day, sitting at home, reading romance books and day dreaming. Do you know that moment which every girl thinks about the moment where there are quite a few guys all wanting to go out with you all at once. Wow never thought that would become reality!

I have three guys interested in me now and this feels so strange and I really don't want to lead any of them on, I really don't want to hurt any of them but I know I will have to make a choice.

Me Ashleigh Leanne Devine a christian, day dreamer who has a over worked imagination actually has three guys after her, wow this feels so surreal:

I have went from being this girl, that gets bullied, guys don't like and are not interested in:

To being Ashleigh Leanne Devine who has lost over 3 stone is weight, is more beautiful than I have ever been and now is being noticed and having guys ask her out:
I need to make a choice and base it on who I like and who I can see being happy with, I'm not an ordinary girl I want a serious relationship, someone I can be with long term, someone who will be my prince charming.
Some how this situation still feels unreal, even though it is, its quite a flabbergasting situation and well girls you may think you want lots of guys chasing after you, well news flash you don't. I don't want to break someones heart because I've had my heart broken many times. You could write a love story out of my relationships.:
Like the time I went out with Richard and he was going to propose on Christmas day 2009 , well that was the plan never did happen anyway.
Anyway the story starts when Richard was going out with my friend Katherine which they broke up around the middle of September and in October it was my 18Th birthday, I had all ready invited Richard to come. I would not back down, I still wanted him to come, there were few arguments at the party between him and Katherine but Richard was a gentleman and apologised. At the end of the evening he gave me a birthday kiss, he also asked me out and I said I didn't know because pf the situation with Katherine (the girls rule book). A couple of days later Katherine so me in the shop and was quite nasty to me for no reason, I then said yes to Richard not out of spite but because why should I feel guilty about going out with him when Katherine broke up with him?
Me and Richard went out with each other for a while at first he respected that I was a christian and that I didn't want to have sex until marriage. He told me he loved me and that he wanted to propose at Christmas, he even asked for my parents permission. In October my Uncle was involved in an accident and was in hospital fighting for his life, which Richard knew. Richard started getting more pushy about wanting sex but I wouldn't give in. The same night my Uncle died Richard cheated on me and I found out that night that he cheated because two of my close friends had seen him with another girl. The day after I told Richard I knew about it and he totally denied it, he had to come over later that afternoon to mine as he was one of my mum's Avon Representatives, and she had to do some work with him. I spotted something on his neck I guess you can all guess what it was: oh yes it was a big fat love bite and It was not from me!!! So annoyed at him I pulled him into my room and demanded the truth, not to get the the truth but a bunch of lies. till a few months later I finally got the truth through an email on facebook, but no apology!
So my love life is like a massive drama and well I don't want to hurt any of these guys like I have been hurt in the past!

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